14 November 2024 Thursday

University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg Campus

Please note you can select one morning and one afternoon workshop since they take place simultaneously.

09:00-12:00 | Equine Nutrition - Nutritional support of selected equine diseases – case discussions, Ingrid Vervuert (DE)
09:00-12:00 | How to use AI in your Scientific writing, R. Buhl (DK) - Mushtaq Bilal (DK)

12:00-13:00 | Lunch on Site included

13:00-16:00 | Equine Neuroanatomic localisation made easy, Emil Olsen (SWE)
13:00-16:00 | Equine respiratory cases and cytology, B. Schwarz (DE)/ S. Hansen (DK)


Large animal teaching hospital, Taastrup
Please note the Specialist Day will take place at another venue

Specialist day K. Mitchell (USA), G. van Loon, (B), C. Schwarzwald (CH), A. Decloedt (B), J. Keen (UK), J. van Spijk (CH)
09:00-12:00 | Equine cardiology, Case sessions and echocardiography (small group training)
13:00-14:00 | Lunch on Site included
14:00-17:00 | Equine cardiology, Case sessions and echocardiography (small group training)


Københavns Rådhus, city centre rådhuspladsen
19:00-20.30 | Welcome Reception